Website Maintenance

Maintaining your site is more than just updating the text or pictures.

Why is website maintenance important?



About 85% of all updates have to do with bug and security fixes.  These updates are necessary to keep your site running optimally and to minimize the risk of it “crashing” or worse yet being hacked.

SEO Strategy

Google LOVES when websites update content. In fact, they love it so much they will increase your search ranking. Who likes stagnant content? Nobody, especially not your customers. Web maintenance helps Google determine if your website is relevant, and old content means lower rankings.

User Expereince

Your website is an extension of your business, it’s important that your website meets the viewer’s expectations! Site updates provide new features and functionality to your website.

A poorly functioning website is a major problem for your brand and the image you want to project to potential new clients, as well as your existing clients and customers.


Website performance goes hand-in-hand with conversions and site results. Speed also has an impact on SEO. Each software/plugin update comes with various performance improvements that make your website more efficient.


Regular backups (daily or weekly) of your website ensure a faster recovery  in case something happens to the website.  Websites do get hacked and sometimes human error (the well meaning intern cleaning up files on the server)  can cause the loss of  data.  With a recent backup the website can easily be restored.

Reporting & Improvement

Google Analytics & Search Console reports help direct maitenance actions.  Reporting is used to better understand user behavior and improve the website.

Website Maintenance Plan Features

Rollover Hours

Unused hours are stored for up to 3 months. Although rare because of the proactive nature of our maintenance services, hours not used after 3 months are lost. Hours in excess of the monthly plan selected are billed at the current hourly rate at the end of the calendar month. Hours immediately expire upon cancellation of any plan. Time is billed in 15-minute increments.

Customer Portal

You can easily submit and track website maintenance requests via the customer portal. You can also contact us directly from your email and a traceable ticket will be created and saved to your customer portal.  Once created, all tickets enter the system for rapid completion.

No Contracts

You are not locked into a contract.  Our plans are month-to-month and can be upgraded or downgraded at any time. There are no refunds for time purchased.

Proactive Website Maintenance

Your website is monitored for optimal performance. Regardless of how your website has been created there are many routine software updates that websites require. When critical in nature – such as a security patch or a version update – this work is done immediately and billed to your account. Non-critical items are presented as a ticket for your approval prior to work being completed.

Rapid Response

We aim to a acheive two-business-day or less, turnaround time on tasks requiring less than 2 hours to complete. For tasks requiring longer than two hours we will provide you with a specific completion time.

Time Tracking

We track all details of activities, including website maintenance, on your account. A report is available at any time upon request.

Multiple web sites?

Time purchased can cover all your domains or be applied to individual domains. So if you have multiple websites you are able to purchase a larger maitenance package and benefit from the discounted per hour rate. We track all work and report time at the domain level. 

We are ready when you are! Your updated website is right around the corner.